By Rebecca jAPHET
Zero has still not come back to Camp Green Lake! Now Stanley is really getting very worried about it. This new boy named Brain has arrived X-ray calls him twitch as he is always twitching and fidgeting. Brain has come to Camp Green Lake because he had stolen a car! He claims that he could break into a car, disconnect the alarm, and hot-wire the engine, all in less than on minute! he said that he didn't mean to steal the car it was just that he suddenly started fidgeting....................then he got caught. It was Twitch's first day digging a hole when Mr Sir. arrived in the water truck to fill everyone's canteen, when he thought has Zero made it to big thumb? No he must be dead. But what if he's still alive? He then began to twitch he looked to see if the keys were still in the water truck and sure enough there they were hanging in the ignition. He jumped i and took of! He drove straight into a hole! He fell out and thought that that was just the stupidest thing that he had ever done. He got up and ran as fast ans he could he was going to find Zero dead or alive!

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